Tag: red clover
Identifying Clover (Trifolium spp.)
July 9, 2020

There are three common clover species here in southeastern Ontario. They are white clover (T. repens), red clover (T. pratense), and aslike clover (T. hybridum). If you live in North America, you've probably encountered all of them at some point.
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Common Spring Plants and Their Uses
April 30, 2020

Here in southeastern Ontario, plants are beginning to emerge after a long and cold winter. It's wonderful to see the landscape transform with spring growth. In this post, I discuss some common spring plants and their uses.
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Red Clover: Identification and Uses
June 3, 2019

Red clover is often dismissed as a “weed” but this small plant has been used traditionally for years for its edible and medicinal qualities. It is a great plant to introduce to beginner foragers as it grows abundantly throughout the world and many people can readily identify it.